hindu Groom - Kishore , Brammananda Reddy

                Detailed profile of Kishore , Brammananda Reddy

Kishore , Brammananda Reddy
Age 32
Education B Tech
District/City/Country Vellore
Caste Reddy
Sub Caste Poknati
Rasi Mithunam
Star Mrigasheersham
Company, Work Location Flextronics Malaysia
Monthly Income in Rupees 110000
Mobile Number 9943447460
Family & Other Details
hi, i am kishore, and i am working as a senior engineer - non it in the private sector flex ( malaysia). i have completed my b tech. i am too practical, straightforward, and carrying loved people. also introvert. i grew up in a middle-class, nuclear family. so these are basic things i felt myself.
Partner Preferences
To be a friendly and brave personality with little cutest smile. After marriage, she's willing to do jobs or do not her wishes. If she has any dream to become or to be live, that thing i would be try and support to make it possible with her.