hindu Groom - Venkatachalam, Krishnamoorthy

                Detailed profile of Venkatachalam, Krishnamoorthy

Venkatachalam, Krishnamoorthy
Age 47
Education B Com
District/City/Country Thanjavur
Caste Brahmin-Iyer
Sub Caste Vadama
Rasi Mesham
Star Aswini
Company, Work Location Tax Audit Assistant Accountant
Monthly Income in Rupees 22000
Mobile Number 7338675898
Family & Other Details
Father & Mother Passed away above 20 yrs. , Now working in Dimapur city , Nagaland State ...i am vegetarian , I Alone ...i am not rich person , i Willingness to go with the house as a groom.
Partner Preferences
Wealth joint Family Person- Bird age 35 To 55 . Qualification Any . Eating type Any , single , Divorce , Widow , & all of with Child accept . Saying , you tell don't like it. is do not a no problem ? the world is Big, Our breath is not permanently, including you and me. , Don't hate anyone, one day you will know and your mind will be clear.🌹🌹