hindu Groom - J.Maheshwar, Jeevarathinam

                Detailed profile of J.Maheshwar, Jeevarathinam

J.Maheshwar, Jeevarathinam
Age 29
Education BE
District/City/Country Tiruchirappalli
Caste 24 Manai Telugu Chettiar
Sub Caste 24 manai Telugu Chettiar 8 Veedu
Rasi Mesham
Star Aswini
Company, Work Location Dhanalakshmi srinivasan groups
Monthly Income in Rupees 35000
Mobile Number 9385516542
Family & Other Details
Father's name : s.jeevarathinam Mother's name : j . bhuvaneshwari Younger brother name : j.vinoth
Partner Preferences
Homely and a decent family