Hindu Groom - Krishnaraj, Alavanthar

                Detailed profile of Krishnaraj, Alavanthar

Krishnaraj, Alavanthar
Age 36
Education BSc
District/City/Country Tiruchirappalli
Caste Reddy
Sub Caste Ganjam
Rasi Rishabam
Star Rohini
Company, Work Location Saudi. He will move to Europe country soon(poland)
Monthly Income in Rupees 80000
Mobile Number 9843428827
Family & Other Details
Father, mother, one elder sister only. She is ayurvedic doctor (married)
Partner Preferences
We expect bride from reddy, telugu chettiyar, naidu, mudaliyaar, goundar. Education qualifications:any.we expect good family &character.divorced bride also accept.