Hindu Groom - Deepak Gopal , Gopal

                Detailed profile of Deepak Gopal , Gopal

Deepak Gopal , Gopal
Age 32
Education MCA
District/City/Country Chennai
Caste Brahmin-Iyer
Sub Caste Vadama
Rasi Viruchigam
Star Kettai
Company, Work Location EXPERTPOINT, Chennai
Monthly Income in Rupees 45000
Mobile Number 9941912516
Family & Other Details
We are nuclear family and I don't have any siblings. Father is in costing business and mother is voluntarily retired accounts officer from private firm.
Partner Preferences
We are looking for an independent broad-minded girl from a progressive family. We believe that every individual has their own set of characteristics and we do not expect anyone to change who they are for the sake of marriage. We are only looking for a compatible union for our son whom he can cherish for a lifetime.