Hindu Groom - Balaji, Seetharaman

                Detailed profile of Balaji, Seetharaman

Balaji, Seetharaman
Age 40
Education BCA
District/City/Country Bangalore
Caste Brahmin-Iyer
Rasi Kumbam
Star Poorattathi
Company, Work Location Writer Information Technology, Bengaluru
Monthly Income in Rupees 25000
Mobile Number 6366054421
Family & Other Details
Am very jovial and easy go person, I come from middle class family. With the family of 3 myself , my mom and my sister, sister got married, only myself and my mom. The most important thing in my life is religious believes, moral values & respect for elders. For me the family which come first. I am modern thinker in keeping the health fit, music lover, love to cook, watching movie, learning new skills etc
Partner Preferences
I am looking for a soulmate, who is understanding, down to earth, lives and enjoys every moment of her life with me. who will be everything for me.