Hindu Groom - Prabhu, Paramasivam

                Detailed profile of Prabhu, Paramasivam

Prabhu, Paramasivam
Age 29
Education ITI-Diploma
District/City/Country Tiruchirappalli
Caste Agamudayar/Arcot/Thuluva Vellala
Rasi Kanni
Star Uthiram
Company, Work Location Indusries thuvakudi .fitter
Monthly Income in Rupees 20000
Mobile Number 7539953519
Family & Other Details
Mother-housewife Father-farmer Brother-2 Brother-1married Sister-1married Prabhu has worked in abroad also .he got 45000rs salary per month.
Partner Preferences
We want the groom who had finished schooling ,diploma or adegree. Without any dhosam. Groom from the palce near Trichy like Thanjavur,pudukottai.