Hindu Groom - Prabath Ranjan, Ramchetty

                Detailed profile of Prabath Ranjan, Ramchetty

Prabath Ranjan, Ramchetty
Age 32
Education ME
District/City/Country Krishnagiri
Caste 24 Manai Telugu Chettiar
Sub Caste Sadhu Chetty 16 Veedu
Rasi Rishabam
Star Krithigai
Company, Work Location HID India Pvt ltd, Bangalore
Monthly Income in Rupees 75000
Mobile Number 8892650069
Family & Other Details
Appa - Ramchetty : Retired from TNEB Amma - Nagarani : Home maker 4 brothers.. I am the youngest son.. First two elder brothers are married. 3rd brother yet to marry..
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