Hindu Groom - Gowthamvel , Palanivel (Late)

                Detailed profile of Gowthamvel , Palanivel (Late)

Gowthamvel , Palanivel (Late)
Age 27
Education BE
District/City/Country Karur
Caste 24 Manai Telugu Chettiar
Sub Caste 24 manai Telugu Chettiar 8 Veedu
Rasi Meenam
Star Revathi
Company, Work Location Nextpoint, Bangalore
Monthly Income in Rupees 290000
Mobile Number 8870432102
Family & Other Details
Poorvigam: Dindigul Settled in: Karur Mother's Name: P. Mahalakshmi Siblings: No P. Mahalakshmi - 8012429303 K. Thirumalai Raj - 9715461661 (Guardian)
Partner Preferences
16 veedu, Graduated, homely, working/willing to, caring, trustworthy, family centric