Hindu Groom - L. Amarnath, B.Lakshmanan

                Detailed profile of L. Amarnath, B.Lakshmanan

L. Amarnath, B.Lakshmanan
Age 29
Education BSc
District/City/Country Theni
Caste 24 Manai Telugu Chettiar
Sub Caste 24 manai Telugu Chettiar 8 Veedu
Rasi Rishabam
Star Krithigai
Company, Work Location Travels business
Monthly Income in Rupees 60000
Mobile Number 8072409563
Family & Other Details
Hi I am Amarnath I am doing travels business Father business continue mother house wife and two brothers we are twins both are travells business and my elder brother working housing finance theni
Partner Preferences
Caring person lovable homely girl