Hindu Groom - Poovendhan, Govindan

                Detailed profile of Poovendhan, Govindan

Poovendhan, Govindan
Age 25
Education B Tech
District/City/Country Telangana
Caste 24 Manai Telugu Chettiar
Sub Caste 24 manai Telugu Chettiar 8 Veedu
Rasi Kanni
Star Hastham
Company, Work Location Own business, now settled in Hyderabad
Monthly Income in Rupees 60000
Mobile Number 8885535448
Family & Other Details
We are four in our family, we have our own business which related to FMCG and two retails stores in Hyderabad, and as well as we our own houses in Hyderabad and as well as in our home town also
Partner Preferences
We never expect the bride to be beauty, we need only good character and we'll understanding partner