Hindu Groom - VINOTH KUMAR , Padmanaban

                Detailed profile of VINOTH KUMAR , Padmanaban

VINOTH KUMAR , Padmanaban
Age 28
Education M Com
District/City/Country Chennai
Caste 24 Manai Telugu Chettiar
Sub Caste 24 manai Telugu Chettiar 16 Veedu
Rasi Mesham
Star Krithigai
Company, Work Location Computer Age Management Service Limited [CAMS], CHENNAI
Monthly Income in Rupees 27000
Mobile Number 9094636791
Family & Other Details
I am Vinoth, I am with my mother. I have 2 sisters born with me. Both got married. My mother and I are in a rented house. I am trying for govt job.
Partner Preferences
I am Vinoth, I am with my mother. I have 2 sisters born with me. Both got married. My mother and I are in a rented house. I am trying for govt job.