Hindu Groom - Dhinesh Kumar, Kungumaraj

                Detailed profile of Dhinesh Kumar, Kungumaraj

Dhinesh Kumar, Kungumaraj
Age 30
Education BE
District/City/Country Coimbatore
Caste 24 Manai Telugu Chettiar
Sub Caste 24 manai Telugu Chettiar 16 Veedu
Rasi Thulam
Star Visaakam
Company, Work Location Allscripts Healthcare India pvt ltd, Bangalore Permanent wfh
Monthly Income in Rupees 110000
Mobile Number 8056700606
Family & Other Details
Four Members in our family. Dhinesh is the elder son, he works for Bangalore company and currently he is working at home and its a permanent wfh and seeking alliance for him. Younger daughter is married, have twin boys. Son in law in doing business in Tiruppur. Dhinesh born in Trichy, Brought up at Coimbatore. Our Native is pollachi. Our kuladeivam kovil is at vedasandhur dindugal Kunguma kaali amman and potti amman.
Partner Preferences
Bride with no dosham