Hindu Groom - Rengarajan @Arunkumar, Gowrishankar

                Detailed profile of Rengarajan @Arunkumar, Gowrishankar

Rengarajan @Arunkumar, Gowrishankar
Age 32
Education MSc
District/City/Country Virudhunagar
Caste 24 Manai Telugu Chettiar
Sub Caste 24 manai Telugu Chettiar 16 Veedu
Rasi Meenam
Star Revathi
Company, Work Location Senior Sales Executive, Tirunelveli. Kundan Switches & Accessories
Monthly Income in Rupees 40000
Mobile Number 9487700051
Family & Other Details
Father RTD sarwothaya.mother house wife Elder brother as a advocate also married Younger sister BE gratuat also married
Partner Preferences
Good family and any graduation