Hindu Bride - SSS , Sivasubramani

                Detailed profile of SSS , Sivasubramani

SSS , Sivasubramani
Age 23
Education MBA
District/City/Country Chennai
Caste 24 Manai Telugu Chettiar
Sub Caste 24 manai Telugu Chettiar 16 Veedu
Rasi Kanni
Star Hastham
Company, Work Location Student
Mobile Number 8667243669
Family & Other Details
My family is residing in Chennai native is Theni dist. 4 of my family me, my wife, son & daughter. I am retired from govt. & Now working as Vigilance officer in pan India organisation, my son completed MBA and working in MNC bank in Chennai, my daughter studied B.com (Hon) now studying mba.
Partner Preferences
We preferred 8 veedu, potu thali and we'll educated, good family back ground and respectable job. & Job location mostly in and arround Chennai.